These days every topic in science (and in any other areas) has lots of books, but we can not read all of them. So I decided to list the books in my library (digital or physical) which I’ve read.
graph LR gen_phy123["General Physics 1/2/3"] gen_phy4["General Physics 4"] ana_mec["Analytical Mechanics 1/2"] mat_phy["Mathematical Physics 1/2"] %% stat_phy["Statistical Physics 1/2"] %% elec_meg["Electromagnetism 1/2"] genPhy123_UnPhy_FmYg("University Physics / Freedman, Young") genPhy123_FuPhy_HdRk("Fundamentals of Physics / Halliday, Resnick") genPhy4_ElMPhy_WeSe("Elementary Modern Physics / Weidner, Sells") anaMec_AnaMec_Fs("Analytical Mechanics / Fowles") anaMec_ClDy_MnTn("Classical Dynamics / Thornton, Marion") matPhy_MtPhy_Af("Mathematical Methods for Physicists / Arfken") gen_phy123 --> genPhy123_UnPhy_FmYg gen_phy123 --> genPhy123_FuPhy_HdRk gen_phy4 --> genPhy4_ElMPhy_WeSe ana_mec --> anaMec_AnaMec_Fs ana_mec --> anaMec_ClDy_MnTn mat_phy --> matPhy_MtPhy_Af